Shoulder Arthroscopic Surgery in Bangalore: A Precise Approach to Relieve Shoulder Pain and Restore Mobility

Shoulder Arthroscopic Surgery

Arthroscopic shoulder surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that can effectively address various shoulder conditions causing pain and limiting your movement.

Reasons for Surgery

  • Rotator cuff tear: A tear in the tendons that attach the rotator cuff muscles to the humerus head (upper arm bone).
  • Shoulder impingement: Painful rubbing of the rotator cuff tendons against the bones of the shoulder joint.
  • Labral tear: A tear in the cartilage that lines the shoulder socket.
  • Bursitis: Inflammation of the bursae, fluid-filled sacs that cushion the joints.
  • Frozen shoulder: Stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint, limiting movement.
  • Loose bodies: Fragments of bone or cartilage floating within the joint, causing pain and discomfort.

Conditions Treated

Chronic shoulder pain

Pain that interferes with daily activities and sleep.

Limited range of motion

Difficulty raising the arm, reaching behind the back, or performing overhead activities.


Feeling of the shoulder slipping or giving way.

Strength loss

Weakness in the shoulder muscles.

Joint clicking or popping

Sounds originating from the shoulder joint during movement.

Types of Shoulder Arthroscopic Surgery

Rotator cuff repair

Suturing the torn tendon back to the bone.

Subacromial decompression

Removing inflamed tissue to create more space for the rotator cuff tendons.

Labral repair

 Stitching the torn labrum back in place.


Removal of the inflamed bursa.


Breaking down scar tissue to improve joint mobility.

Loose body removal

Removing loose fragments of bone or cartilage from the joint.

The Surgery Process

  • Pre-operative planning: We will discuss your medical history, symptoms, and expectations, and determine if arthroscopic shoulder surgery is the right option for you.
  • Anaesthesia: You will receive general or regional anaesthesia to keep you pain-free during the surgery.
  • Surgery: The surgeon makes small incisions and inserts the arthroscope and instruments to visualise and address the underlying issue.
  • Closure: The incisions are closed with stitches or staples.


  • Shorter hospital stay,You will likely go home the same day or within 24 hours.
  • A minimally invasive approach leads to a quicker return to daily activities compared to open surgery.
  • Minimally invasive techniques and pain management strategies minimise post-operative discomfort.
  • You will begin physical therapy exercises within a few days of surgery to regain strength and flexibility.
  • You will gradually return to your normal activities, including sports, over several weeks or months.


  • Less invasive than traditional open surgery: Smaller incisions and minimal tissue damage lead to faster healing and reduced scarring.
  • Shorter hospital stay: Quicker return home minimizes the risk of hospital-acquired complications.
  • Reduced pain: Minimally invasive approach and pain management strategies minimize post-operative pain.
  • Faster recovery: Early rehabilitation helps regain strength and flexibility more quickly.
  • Improved shoulder function: Enhanced range of motion, improved strength, and reduced pain lead to better function and quality of life.

Book your consultation with the best Shoulder Surgeon in Bangalore Today