Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery:
A Precise Approach to Pain Relief

Robotic Knee Replacement

Robotic knee replacement knee replacement is a cutting-edge technology revolutionising how we perform knee surgeries.

 This minimally invasive procedure offers several advantages over traditional techniques, potentially leading to a faster recovery and better outcomes.

Reasons for Surgery


Degeneration of the joint cartilage, leading to pain and stiffness.

Rheumatoid arthritis:

Inflammation and damage to the joint lining.

Post-traumatic arthritis:

Joint degeneration after a knee injury.

Avascular necrosis:

Death of bone tissue due to lack of blood supply.

Conditions Treated

Chronic knee pain

Severe pain that interferes with daily activities.

Stiffness and limited mobility

Difficulty bending or straightening the knee.


Feeling of the knee giving way or buckling

Types of Knee Replacement

There are different types of knee replacements, depending on which parts of the joint need to be replaced:

Total knee replacement

Replaces all three compartments of the knee joint.

Partial knee replacement

Replaces only one or two compartments.

Patellofemoral replacement

Replaces the kneecap and underlying trochlear groove.

Types of Robotic Knee Replacement

There are two main types of robotic knee replacement systems:

Active robotic systems

The robotic arm actively assists the surgeon in bone preparation and implant placement.

Passive robotic systems

The robotic arm provides guidance and feedback to the surgeon, but the surgeon retains full control of the instruments.

Surgical Approaches

Robotic knee replacement utilizes minimally invasive techniques similar to traditional TKA. These include –

Quadriceps-sparing approach: Minimizes muscle disruption for faster recovery.

Subvastus approach: Creates a smaller incision through the Vastus Medialis muscle.

Knee Surgery Process

  • Pre-operative planning : A CT scan is used to create a 3D model of your knee, allowing the surgeon to plan the surgery.
  • Anaesthesia : You will receive general or spinal anaesthesia to keep you pain-free during the surgery.
  • Robotic-assisted bone preparation : The robotic arm guides the surgical instruments to precisely remove the damaged bone and prepare the surface for the implants.
  • Implant placement : The robotic arm assists in positioning the implants for optimal alignment and stability.
  • Closure : The surgeon will close the incision and apply dressings.


After robotic knee replacement, you can expect a faster and less demanding recovery compared to traditional TKA.
Most patients can go home within 1-2 days after surgery and begin physical therapy immediately.
The recovery process typically takes several weeks, but patients generally experience a faster return to daily activities and improved quality of life.This is due to

  • Minimally invasive approach : Less tissue damage leads to reduced pain and swelling.
  • Precise implant positioning: Optimizes joint function and stability, allowing for faster mobilisation
  • Enhanced pain management: Multimodal pain management strategies minimize reliance on opioids.
    First Few Weeks at Home :

Benefits of Robotic Knee Replacement:

  • Improved accuracy and precision: Reduced risk of surgical errors and complications.
  • Less bone removal: Preserves healthy bone tissue for better long-term implant stability.
  • Improved soft tissue balancing: Optimises joint stability and function.
  • Faster recovery: A minimally invasive approach that leads to a quicker return to daily activities.
  • Reduced pain and swelling: Minimises discomfort and need for pain medication.

Book your consultation with the best Robotic Knee Replacement Surgeon in Bangalore Today